What is Let Them Run!
Let Them Run! Is a Shoe Voucher Program for families that need assistance in the form of a $25 Voucher to Shoe Carnival in Anderson that can be used towards the purchase of Children's Running Shoes.
Who is eligible
Any family that has a child/ren who is/are a member/s of Roady Racers or Anderson Road Runners Club (ARRC) can request a voucher for that child/ren once a year. Roady Racer and Student Memberships for ARRC are both Free. There are no income requirements or paperwork. If this assists helps get the kids into new running shoes so they can enjoy these activities to the fullest, we are happy to help.
What if my child can’t participate in these programs
Different programs serve different needs and our partners at Outfitters specialize in providing shoes and clothes for children of any families of Madison County who could use the assistance.
Where and When are the Vouchers available
Vouchers can be requested after the awards presentation on Tuesdays (Roadys) or Thursdays (ARRC) during their seasons. The children will need to have been present and participating that day. Any volunteer can get you to the right person to provide the voucher.
Where can the Vouchers Be Redeemed
Shoe Carnival is Anderson is the only location vouchers can be redeemed
Its address is: 4636 S Scatterfield Rd, Anderson, IN 46013
Is the Voucher value ($25) enough to get a pair of shoes
Let them Run! is an extension of the Outfitters Shoe Voucher program with Shoe Carnival in Anderson. The staff of Shoe Carnival is familiar with this program and will do their best to find the best fit and best value to help the voucher go as far as possible in covering the cost.
How this program is made possible
Anderson Road Runners Club provides this program to support our families through the financial support of Community Hospital Anderson’s Foundation Community In Motion program. Outfitters and Shoe Carnival have graciously extended the use of their Voucher program to include our families.